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Miraplacid Forum >> Virtual Printer Drivers >> Miraplacid Text Driver Terminal Srvcs EditionModerator:Cerberus

Author Topic:  Miraplacid Text Driver Terminal Srvcs Edition

From: usa
posted 2007-01-29 14:40:12 Reply -Delete

I just purchased Text Driver Terminal Services Edition. The license administration does not work when you belong to a domain. The administration only alows you to add users from the local server, not the domain.

I added the administrator user to the license group, but when I am logged on as the administrator in the domain, the driver dies after processing a few files.

The non terminal services edition works fine. Also the version is 4.3 when all documentation states 4.4


posted 2007-12-27 05:15:57 Reply -Delete

This was fixed in a new version (2008).
It allows you to include doamin users to the list.
But, in some complex configurations like domain forests, it still may not work correctly, and in these cases we recommend to purchase and use Unlimited users license which allows you to select Eveyone.

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