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Miraplacid Forum >> Virtual Printer Drivers >> Not Getting User's Default PrinterModerator:Cerberus

Author Topic:  Not Getting User's Default Printer

From: USA
posted 2003-04-30 08:18:42 Reply -Delete

Windows 2000 Server
Metaframe XPe FR2
Nfuse 1.7 + CSG

Our clients are only able to connect to the one published application. We have our ICA connections set to autocreate ONLY their default printer. However, at times a user will connect and instead of picking up THEIR default printer, they will instead attach to some other user's printer that's using the application at that time. The printer this user gets seems to be completely random.
Has anyone else seen something like this?


From: USA, Florida
posted 2003-04-30 08:20:01 Reply -Delete

Yes, there is another post regarding this issue, on this forum. Also on the citrix forum, this one is posted often since the release of FR2.

Up to now, nobody seems to have a clue about this one.

Mark Woodman

From: Taiwan
posted 2003-04-30 08:20:37 Reply -Delete

I've seen this on my system and I think that that happens because your printer could not be mapped and Windows just takes any defined printer on the server as your default.
(This is not proved, just conclusion from my experience with this problem)

Have you checked the event viewer for some message about not mapping the printer?


Mark Woodman

From: Taiwan
posted 2003-04-30 08:20:58 Reply -Delete

Another thing...
This is a mayor problem if your are logged in as Domain Admin (or some privileged account) because you actually have printing permissions on that printer.

I had that problem one time and the test page was printed on some client's office !


From: USA
posted 2003-04-30 08:21:58 Reply -Delete

I found that if I terminal service to the desktop and then try to login from the same machine to our published application through Citrix, that Citrix sorta freaks out and doesn't know where to print.
Makes sense since it's seeing 2 printers from my machine. One through the TS and one through Citrix.

I'll have to try and correlate random printer mappings with the event log.


From: Belgium
posted 2003-04-30 08:22:34 Reply -Delete

I am having the same issue on my systems. I did put a post up but so far there has been results as this really a pain in the ass issue.

You could try to see this Citrix article and see if this information helps :- CTX668903

We have already raised this case up with our Citrix Vendor and there seems to be some kind of solution but they are not sure if it can be applied in our environment.

I will update the forum once we get some answers.


From: Belgium
posted 2003-04-30 08:23:49 Reply -Delete

So far the vendor has asked us to install SP3 on all of the Windows 2000 servers.

But I have read in some forums that SP3 creates issues with Citrix. Is this correct? Does it only apply to cretain citrix versions?


From: USA
posted 2003-04-30 08:24:19 Reply -Delete

There are issues when installing citrix XP on a clean win2k SP3 system. The rule of thumb on installation is:
- win2k server
- win2k SP2
- Citrix XP/FR2/SP2
- win2k SP3


From: USA
posted 2003-04-30 08:25:12 Reply -Delete

There are issues when installing citrix XP on a clean win2k SP3 system. The rule of thumb on installation is:
- win2k server
- win2k SP2
- Citrix XP/FR2/SP2
- win2k SP3


From: Belgium
posted 2003-04-30 08:25:27 Reply -Delete

does these same rules apply for Metaframe 1.8?

If it does then I shall try this out and see if it works


From: Belgium
posted 2003-04-30 08:25:46 Reply -Delete

Another update from the vendor.

Theu have asked up to make some changes to the registry . We will be trying this out this week...fingers crossed

Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
Locate and click the following key in the registry:
HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers

On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:

Value name: DiscardTSJobs
Data type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Decimal
Value data: 0 or 1

You guys could try it out and see if it helps


From: USA
posted 2003-04-30 08:26:16 Reply -Delete

This key is entered by default when installing SP3. There is a q doc about it: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;313733
Specific localspl.dll file required though.

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