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Miraplacid Forum >> Virtual Printer Drivers >> Printing .prn filesModerator:Cerberus

Author Topic:  Printing .prn files

From: Spain
posted 2003-04-29 11:22:45 Reply -Delete

I have a printer HP laserjet 5P and windows 98. I can print to a file easy enough, but how do you print that file later. I have tried using the dos command:
copy xxx.prn lpt1
this prints only alot of code but not the orignal page.
Anyone have a clue how to do this?


From: Canada
posted 2003-04-29 11:24:20 Reply -Delete

Serjio wrote:
>I have a printer HP laserjet 5P and windows 98.
>I can print to a file easy enough, but how do you print that file later.
>I have tried using the dos command:
>copy xxx.prn lpt1
>this prints only alot of code but not the orignal page.
>Anyone have a clue how to do this?


Did you tried the following command "copy /B xxx.prn lpt1"?



From: Canada
posted 2003-04-29 11:27:04 Reply -Delete


Typically these files are the Binary images of the print-outs themselves.

By any chance do you have a Printer Queue established for the Printer?

If so, then you should be able to cat the PRN file to the Printer Queue
cat [filename] | lpr -P[printer Name]

Where [filename] is the name of the PRN file and [printer Name] is the name of the printer you are going to Print to.

Hope this helps.

Original Message:
Serjio>I have a HP laserjet 5P and windows 98.
Serjio>I can print to a file easy enough, but how do you print that file later.
Serjio>I have tried using the dos command:
Serjio>copy xxx.prn lpt1
Serjio>this prints only alot of code but not the orignal page.
Serjio>Anyone have a clue how to do this?


From: Canada
posted 2003-04-29 11:28:06 Reply -Delete


If printer connected to LPT1, simply copy it from a dos box using "copy printfile.prn lpt1"

If it's connected to a different PC and shared use "copy printfile.prn \\computername\printershare name"

If it's connected through a Jetdirect box, it depends on the OS that you are using.
For NT and 2K you can use the same (command copy to\\computername\printershare name) as long as you share the printer.

Good Luck,


From: Colombia
posted 2004-10-27 13:52:42 Reply -Delete

I need to print files *.prn,
i have a printer HP DesignJet 500 connected to a IP_175.16.9.45.

I have tried using the command copy/b *.prn \\ but it didn't work

What could be the right path?


posted 2005-09-22 09:48:54 Reply -Delete


Seems like Windows network filesystem does not work with IP addresses.
You need to use computer name instead.

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