From: USA
posted 2004-04-03 01:50:37 |
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Enjoy it! This script processes all the files in folder $ARGV[0]
sub xssi;
sub putline;
$path_from=$ARGV[0] . "\\*.shtml";
@files = glob ($path_from);
#@files = <*.shtml>;
if ($AGRV[2] eq "") {
if ($ARGV[0] eq "") {
} else {
$inc_path=$ARGV[0] . '\\';
} else {
$inc_path=$AGRV[2] . '\\';
print "\nArgv[0] = $ARGV[0] path_from = $path_from inc path = $inc_path Files = @files";
foreach $fn (@files) {
print "\nProcessing file $fn";
$from = $fn;
if ($to =~ /\\(.+)\.shtml$/) {
$to = ($1);
# print " ($to) ";
$to = (($ARGV[1] eq "")?"":"$ARGV[1]\\") . $to . '.htm';
# print " - results will be in $to";
xssi $from, $to, $inc_path;
sub xssi {
my $from = shift(@_);
my $to = shift(@_);
my $inc_path = shift(@_);
my $omit=0;
print "\nGet from = $from to = $to inc path = $inc_path";
foreach $a () {
# if ($a =~ /\<\!\-\-\#include\s+virtual\s*=\s*[\`|\"]?(.+)[\`|\"]?\s*\-\-\>/) {
if ($a =~ /\<\!\-\-\#include\s+virtual\s*=\s*(.+)\s*\-\-\>/) {
my $ifn_draft=$1;
if ($ifn_draft =~ /^\"(.*)\"/) {
} elsif ($ifn_draft =~ /^\'(.*)\'/) {
my $ifn = $inc_path . $ifn_draft;
print "\n---include file $ifn";
close IFILE;
foreach $z (@i) {
$omit=putline $z,$omit,$from;
} else {
$omit=putline $a,$omit,$from;
close XFILE;
sub putline {
my $z = shift(@_);
my $omit = shift(@_);
my $from = shift(@_);
if ($from =~ /^.*\\(.+?)$/) {
if ($from =~ /(.*)\..*$/) {
if ($z =~ /\<\!\-\-\s*\#if\s*expr=[\"|]\$filename(\=|\!\=|\<|\>|\<\=|\>\=|\<\>)\s*(.*?)?[\"|]\s*\-\-\>/i) {
if ($omit == 0) {
# print "\nMatch! a omit=$omit '$from' == '$2' sign == '$1'";
if (($2 ne $from) && ($1 eq '=')) {
# print "\n Yes!";
} elsif (($2 eq $from) && ($1 ne '=')) {
# print "\n Yes!";
} elsif ($z =~ /\<\!\-\-\s*\#end\s*if\s*\-\-\>/i) {
# print "\nMatch! b";
} elsif ($z =~ /\<\!\-\-\s*\#else\s*\-\-\>/i) {
# print "\nMatch! b";
if ($omit==0) {
} else {
} else {
if ($omit==0) {
$z =~ s/\<\!\-\-\s*\#echo\s+var\s*\=\s*\"?\$filename\"?\s*\-\-\>/$from/gi;
$z =~ s/\<\!\-\-\s*\#.*\-\-\>//gi;
print XFILE $z;
return $omit;
| |